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Reproduction Rear SX4 Marker Lenses

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--- Quote from: youngkyle on February 02, 2014, 12:32:34 PM ---these are really cool.  I'd think about nabbing a set just for fun.  do you have pictures of the white and black lit up?

--- End quote ---

Unfortunately I don't have a running Eagle, the engine is out and the wiring needs attention, so I can't actually put them on my Eagle to take photos of them.

Here are photos of the different lenses mounted on the backing plate with a ceiling light shining through them. This is unfortunately about the best I can do at the moment to show the way they look when lit up because of not having a running Eagle.



Blacked out:



Huh, that's funny. I like the black actually, but I don't know how it'd look on a maroon sx4.  I'll defiantly look into this though.

They look very nice. Unfortunately I already bought a pair of reproduction lens from Kennedy. These are priced much better :occasion14:

Eventually I'll be taking advantage of this at sometime!

They do look great.
I don't need any quite yet but would like to get a spare set when I can. But would have to first figure out which color to go with (stock, clear or black) tough choice as I think either one would look great on mine.


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