Eagle Gallery > Eagle Road Trips

Rollinsville Yacht Club 2015


We made the annual trip to the Rollinsville Yacht Club with the usual folks that go on the cruise.  The trip starts in Lakewood CO and goes to Rollinsville CO.  Rollinsville is at 8500' elevation.  The owner of the Yacht Club cooks up breakfast for all of us.  Further details about the establishment can be found in threads about previous trips in the Eagle Road Trips board.

There were 10 cars and 3 motorcycles that went this year.  Three Ferraris, 2 Porsches, 2 Corvettes (an old and a new), a modern Mustang, a Subaru, and 1 EAGLE.  The weather was perfect this time, you'll see in the board from the first time we did this trip in 2011 there was snow on the ground.

This was the first time I took my coupe, it ran great with no problems at all.  It wasn't the fastest going up some of the hills but it took its time and performed magnificently.

Some pictures


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