The Shop > Axle / Differential

slight whistle noise after new front axle and hub

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The part store has got me another half shaft from a local rebuilder (Autoline). I have not made it there to pick it up and inspect it yet. I cut the grease fitting in half with an air saw as a temporary fix. About half an ounce of grease has oozed out of the topless grease fitting since. The whistle is still there.

Also the inner cv boot is leaking and flinging grease all over the place.

Oozing grease:

This came from the inner boot:

Wonderin what application the incorrect 1/2 shaft came from - possibly a Jeep Liberty? Maybe a Dodge Dakota pickup?

CV grease is some nasty sticky stuff, too bad about the leak, but you'll have it fixed when you get the correct shaft in.


--- Quote from: txjeeptx on August 19, 2011, 01:02:43 PM ---Wonderin what application the incorrect 1/2 shaft came from - possibly a Jeep Liberty? Maybe a Dodge Dakota pickup?

CV grease is some nasty sticky stuff, too bad about the leak, but you'll have it fixed when you get the correct shaft in.

--- End quote ---

I am guessing that whatever it was supposed to be from has a larger turning radius since I am getting binding on full steering lock when turning left.


--- Quote from: maximus7001 on August 19, 2011, 03:32:34 PM ---
--- Quote from: txjeeptx on August 19, 2011, 01:02:43 PM ---Wonderin what application the incorrect 1/2 shaft came from - possibly a Jeep Liberty? Maybe a Dodge Dakota pickup?

CV grease is some nasty sticky stuff, too bad about the leak, but you'll have it fixed when you get the correct shaft in.

--- End quote ---

I am guessing that whatever it was supposed to be from has a larger turning radius since I am getting binding on full steering lock when turning left.

--- End quote ---

4 cyl eagles had smaller halfshafts. They bolt up and work in my experience of using them. However my knowledge of seeing them smaller is from what i seen at the boneyards on 4cyl eagles versus my 4 6cyl eagles, and all other 6cyl eagles i seen.

Went to get the new shaft from the parts store today, came from a local rebuilder (autoline). Opened up the box and guess what was inside? Yes you guessed right, the wrong shaft again. Is there anywhere that has the correct shaft anymore? Is anyone else encountering this? Did anyone else have a problem with a cv boot rubbing on the zerk of a lower Moog ball joint? Can anyone check the clearance on their Eagle and maybe post some pics?

The only guess I have is that since there is a shortage of proper cores that all the rebuilders are substituting something else that bolts up.


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