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1979 Spirit GT Project

Started by mojobean, January 21, 2010, 09:43:18 PM

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I hate it when I'm correct >:D

Fortunately a timing chain & sprockets are not hard to replace. On Eagles I can get my harmonic balancer puller onto the front of the crankshaft once the radiator and fan is out of the way. I could not, however, get my impact in there to remove the big bolt. Instead, place your wrench on the big bolt head and strike the wrench with your hammer to loosen it. Then it's just the usual taking off of bolts and screws to remove the timing cover. :eagle:
1984 Eagle Wagon, 258, auto, 2.73 gears, daily driver
1983 Eagle Limited Wagon, parts; sold
2000 Jeep Cherokee, 4.0, auto
2007 Hyundai Accent, radical downsize from minivan, wife's car and she loves it!

"The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy: neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water."--John W. Gardner, in "Excellence: Can We Be Equal and Excellent Too?" (1961)

Air-conditioning is so cool!


I can get my impact on it, especially when I pull the grill 8).  It actually has 6 degrees of slop, 3 lines times two.  Now thats alot of slop!
1981 AMC Eagle SX/4 automatic
1981 AMC Eagle Kammback automatic
1981 AMC Eagle Kammback 4speed
1980 Honda cx500c
1979 AMC Spirit GT project
1974/77/78 Secret Squirrel project
1978 AMC Concord AMX

<img src="" border=0
alt="Click for Seattle, Washington Forecast" height=50 width=150>


I got a cloyes timing chain and pulley, put a new water pump on it while I was in there.  Set the timing for 8 degrees before and started her up.  Runs a lot better.  I had got  the motor from a guy out in Aberdeen, who had an 81 spirit.  He put some monster motor in it, like 1 454 or something.  I bet I get better gas mileage.  I took it for a drive up the big hill to the hardware store and no problems. 

Thanks a lot for all the input. :occasion14:
1981 AMC Eagle SX/4 automatic
1981 AMC Eagle Kammback automatic
1981 AMC Eagle Kammback 4speed
1980 Honda cx500c
1979 AMC Spirit GT project
1974/77/78 Secret Squirrel project
1978 AMC Concord AMX

<img src="" border=0
alt="Click for Seattle, Washington Forecast" height=50 width=150>


Good news!

Better to replace it before it jumps a tooth!
Rob c
84 Eagle Limited Wagon (driven everyday)
81 Eagle Kammback
81 Spirit (undergoing surgery)
83 Spirit (parts car giving it all to keep the rest going)
Manchester, TN

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