The Shop > Suspension, Steering, Brakes, Wheels & Tires
Tire Calculator
Jurjen found this handy tire calculator to help with your decision making.
225 / 65/ 15 matches tire hgt dementions exactly!!!! for oem Eagle tires 195/75/15
Wasn't the factory upgrade a 205 or 215 65/15, not 225?
The main concerns for tire size (without considering mods to the wheel well) are width and outside diameter. I believe, and please correct me if I am wrong, that I read somewhere else on the nest that the max width for tires (without rubbing) is 225. You can play with the rim and sidewall dimensions as much as you want as long as the overall diameter stays within about 5% of original. Too small or big and you will get an incorrect reading from the speedometer. Although the speedo is hooked to the tranny, it is calibrated for a certain tire size. So the tranny will be doing 55mph, but the wheels may be moving faster or slower depending on diameter.
Our speedos are hooked to the transfer case -- but yes, you are correct.
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