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AMC Concord Hardtop 1981

Started by juhap, February 11, 2023, 05:55:34 AM

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This happened summer 2020...
A quite nice looking black Concord and a crash....

Brought it to new home like this.

Story begins..

"open the door, please..."

Did not help. Had to cut a window to door and unbolt it.

That sill is about 3" in...

...and here it is 1" too much in.

After I took  seats and carpet out, I found these "rust repairs"... Thin sheet metal and corrosion under coat and some adhessive...
Everywhere...all around...  :censored:

Windscreen removal... see that new roof line.

This started renovation.

Some damage here, too.

Removed that window frame.

Hornet donated window frame.

After some drilling and cutting. Nice...

Some gap.

Taking door to pieces. Something to save here?

Fenders off.

More rust and some sheet metal taken from washing machine, that white stuff..

oh no...

Oh, sh..t

More Hornet parts...

Test fitted

Original pillar had some issues... so had to open spotwelds and fix it part by part.

Strated to take all apart...

So, is this the final stage? and then scrap yard...


and more...

and more.

Started welding.

First job done

Then it was time to use frame machine, car-o-liner came to garage.

The first pull.

..and the second...

and so on...


New sills...

Inner part, test fitting...

Had to jack floor up like 1".

After cuttin rust away, there was a gap...

Previous builder had cut these beam ends away. Now I can weld it to a new sill.


More pulling

Repairing rust damages...

Final welding

Some adjusting needed..

Test fitting, again..

Sill needed some inner structure.

Inner structurer here, too..

Almost ready to welding, but not yet...

Testing door... and pull again...

Jack and port-o-power needed...

And this was end of year 2020.... There were too freezing to work untill next spring...

to be continued...
American 440 Hardtop, American 220 2d (x2), American 330 4 d, American 330 Cross Country(x2), American F/EX Gasser, AMC Eagle STW (x4), AMC Matador Coupe Oleg Cassini(2x), Hornet 2d (x3), Willys Jeepster 1950, Jeep Cherokee 2d, Rogue 1966-SCRambler Replica  eagle   american   american HT


After cold winter months and some other projects, it was time to continue.

Tried to get old pillar to new door post, but getting it rigt was not easy...

... so I took another.

there was a bad reparation done sometimes.


Perfect fit.

Looks good...

"new" rear quarter... test fit.

This was all for 2021...
American 440 Hardtop, American 220 2d (x2), American 330 4 d, American 330 Cross Country(x2), American F/EX Gasser, AMC Eagle STW (x4), AMC Matador Coupe Oleg Cassini(2x), Hornet 2d (x3), Willys Jeepster 1950, Jeep Cherokee 2d, Rogue 1966-SCRambler Replica  eagle   american   american HT


Thanks for all the pictures. You are very skilled and very patient!
1981 Kammback 258 - "Pepe"
1980 Coupe 258 - "Ginger
1972 Gremlin X 304
1978 Gremlin 4 cyl 121 - sold
1964 TBird 390 - sold


Has to be a labor of love to bring this one back from the dead.
72 Javelin AMX
72 Javelin SST
72 Gremlin with 4.0
81 SX 4


Here in Finland we have two Concords on the road... One yellow station wagon and one Sundancer (mine)... And if all goes well, this is going to be third. That´s why I´m giving it an other chance...

Finnish AMC importer didn´t sell any AMC after 1975-76... Every car after that, are private imports.
American 440 Hardtop, American 220 2d (x2), American 330 4 d, American 330 Cross Country(x2), American F/EX Gasser, AMC Eagle STW (x4), AMC Matador Coupe Oleg Cassini(2x), Hornet 2d (x3), Willys Jeepster 1950, Jeep Cherokee 2d, Rogue 1966-SCRambler Replica  eagle   american   american HT


Eleven months later...

Removing rust and bondo...

Cutting bad quarter panel.


New corner...


Quarter panel needed new edge.

Looks like a Concord again...

Inner parts.

This area was quite bent and sad looking. Not good.

Found a donor.


This is original Concord part.

And coming together, original and "new"


Repairing floor.

Found original license plate.

Now it is with finnish plate.

Replaced this wheel well piece...

..using new sheet metal.

And some more...

Side window frame got new metal.

Finished that area with schrinking disc to get it plat and even. Worked well.

I used very simple method to ensure straight line...

There was a bad area that needed welding.


Found rust under bondo.  >:D

Little hammering and sanding made miracles happen.

Left rear quarter tack welded.

It needs that lower part of wheel arch.

Very difficult to made, tried to hammer a couple patch...

Welded and seams grinded down. Used lead substitute instead lead...

First bondo...

Front fenders from a donor Concord that I bought about 10 years ago...

This car came from Netherlands ages ago... and it had some car crash repairs... done with bondo... alot of it...

Found a suitable piece for rear wheel arch. Original right side fender... or what is left of it. I used front part to fix my Eagle fender.

Here is that dutch Concord... a real rust bucket.

Removed that roof panel off it.

To replace original...

Nice corner

Coming together and bondoed.

Almost finished...

One fender finshed.

Rear quarter ready...

And another..

Some black spray.

Fenders got some epoxy primer.

Then it was time to do some rust repairs.

One bad gap...

Fender fits well..

There were some rust... needed cutting.

Frame got first patch.

And then floor..

Under front seat, there were a serious rust issue. Needed some attention and new sheet metal.

Emergency brake cable hole was a only survivor, no rust...

Inner fender area needed some sheet metal too...

And a couple patch more.

But there was a corner in front of the front axle that worried me. A little swollen area. Started cutting...

Removed bumper bracket... Oh no!!!

Opened more... more rust...

First piece welded.

Fabricated the second...

and welded it.

More to come...

And this was end of 2022. Welded new years eve that last...

to be continued...
American 440 Hardtop, American 220 2d (x2), American 330 4 d, American 330 Cross Country(x2), American F/EX Gasser, AMC Eagle STW (x4), AMC Matador Coupe Oleg Cassini(2x), Hornet 2d (x3), Willys Jeepster 1950, Jeep Cherokee 2d, Rogue 1966-SCRambler Replica  eagle   american   american HT


The first of January 2023 I cut a little bit more. Had to go under suspension...

Started to take all apart. And rust I found...

Removed control arm bumper...

Fabricated springtool...

Now I can weld all...

There were a patch welded. What could I find under it?

Rust rust...

No, no...

There is nothing but weld new sheet metal...

And more...

And as I guessed... rust.

Then I found that it was impossible to weld all... I have to take engine out of engine bay... but not now..

New metal.

And here too.

It needed that..

That small part is now behind that new sheet metal...

New bushings and ball joint

Spring seat sandblasted...

...and welded.

It had rust even here.

All welded.


Grinding all smooth.

Last parts.


Suspension coming together.


When wheels hit ground, I decided to change my project to next one. So I drove this to another garage.

Next project is going to be my StreetJeep... 1989 Cherokee 2wd  with LM 4 engine...

American 440 Hardtop, American 220 2d (x2), American 330 4 d, American 330 Cross Country(x2), American F/EX Gasser, AMC Eagle STW (x4), AMC Matador Coupe Oleg Cassini(2x), Hornet 2d (x3), Willys Jeepster 1950, Jeep Cherokee 2d, Rogue 1966-SCRambler Replica  eagle   american   american HT


Your work is just amazing and as mentioned by others, you must have the patience of a saint!  A car over here in that condition would be considered by 99.9% of people to be "BER", beyond-economic-repair, and scrapped as a parts car only.

Just astounding work and effort, see 0:05 in video...

Current Project: 1983 Eagle Wagon 258
Past AMC Project(s):  1979 Spirit Liftback 232
                                1968 Ambassador 287


When summer was almost gone, I changed garage, so it was time to  continue.

Co-drivers side was next.

There is something rust inside of the front beam... why not!

Inner fender and beam needs to open and redone. There is so much swollen rust inside.

Sill end  has a "unique" design... Oh no!

Removed some silicone... this was hiding underneath...

Front part of sill... New sheet metal under, rust above and a slice of thin sheet between... and a weld with air gap. These thin sheet metal patches are from a fridge or a washing machine...

Rear part: new metal and a lot of underbody coating.

Pintamassa olikin sitten ainoa pinnoite. Pala on hitsattu! Kylkipellissä on mukana edellisen korjaajan pakkelitkin ja saumassa on hyvät ruosteet...
Oh my, there are some weld! But above there is a lot of bondo above and rust in that body seam.  :P

There is something weird in wheel well...

YES! yes! no.....

There is something hiding under that silicone putty...
Front ...


...and rear. In this section I found some pretty good reparation, but just few inches...

Front seat fastening point, always rusted. Here too...

This was hiding under that s...t
Rear wheelwell...

Behind right headlight...

Door pillar.. outside ...

No se oli siäpuolelta vielä kauheampi.
And same inside...
Some holes, rust and a piece of fridge....
Floor pan don´t sit right... hammered and rusted...

Rear floor and under seat, there was that same mess...
Holes, rust and bad job done.

It needs attention, again!

Starting point... door pillar.

And inside of it... oh no!

New sheet metal.

Hmm... more rust..

That was under piece of fridgerator...

Took bad metal away...

That was not enough, so ... cut more!

I had to cut floor pan too...

And outside after cutting... no rust.

That needs to be done.

It needed some metal inside, too...

Welded together with new outer part.

Outside... grinded and some paint removed.

...and zinc paint.

Sisähelma työn alle. Nyt tuota ei voi laittaa kokonaisena, joten...
New sill... done years ago...

Had to cut in pieces...

Then some welding....

Floorpanel needed some new metal.

...Grinded and painted...

Testing that missing brace.


Rear...rusted floor opened and fridge metal removed...

Seat belt bracket was hanging free... rear leaf bracket had no welds, just silicone...

Some missing welds and rust holes...

Opended more. Now I can do some work... saw saw and air chisel...

Had to cut sill...

Not very nice wiew...

Leikeltynä ja hiottuna, valmiina uusia osia varten. Yläpuolella näkyy pois katkaistu tukipalikka.
Many hours later there is no rot at all... almost.

First a small job.

Missing parts done...

An other wiew...

Then more metal... I did cut a piece of that sill...

Rear part done....  :)

And seat mounting point...

Then it was time to do the rest...

That´s what is left.

There were some rust, already after a few years...

Inner sill removed.

Crossbeam was welded and it was covered with a lot of silicone...


No trace of inner sill...

New fits quite well...

It needed drainig holes

One had to be done to welded part... And mad that missing bracket too.

Seat belt bolt...

Edellinen mestari oli vaan hitsannut 12mm mutterin "kattopeltiin". Nyt on alkuperäisen kokoinen 2mm lätkä tukena.
Now it looks right. There were just a nut welded before.. not safa at all..

And after that... Welding time!



...front. Floorpan needed a patch.  But this was very easy, compared to the other side.

Welded underside too...

Floor pan welded



New outer sill...

Before welding some rust needs attention.

Wheelwell patches taken away...

Test fitting and cutting....

Front bracket needs to be redone... Otherwise it is fine.

Inside it needs sound deadnig stuff removed some hammering and rust removal. Then just weld...

American 440 Hardtop, American 220 2d (x2), American 330 4 d, American 330 Cross Country(x2), American F/EX Gasser, AMC Eagle STW (x4), AMC Matador Coupe Oleg Cassini(2x), Hornet 2d (x3), Willys Jeepster 1950, Jeep Cherokee 2d, Rogue 1966-SCRambler Replica  eagle   american   american HT


Your work is just plain amazing. 

The amount of effort you're putting into this Concord is immense, and ultimately why I truly love this group of later-vintage AMC owners as a whole.  One cannot enter into these cars ever expecting to make money "flipping" them; the cars will never be worth that.  I don't know if it's their quirkiness, rarity, or the memory of the general scrappiness of the 1980's American Motors, but there's just some funny aspect to them that begs to be recognized, respected and remembered.

Thank you for reminding others, (and us too) what true dedication to these cars really looks like!

Current Project: 1983 Eagle Wagon 258
Past AMC Project(s):  1979 Spirit Liftback 232
                                1968 Ambassador 287


Yes, that´s true... And here in Finland those seveties and eighties AMCs are very rare. Earlier we have plenty...

There are some models of AMCs that have been in my memory since childhood and years after... I have collected some like 50 Jeepster... SC/Rambler (replica thou)... Matador Coupe Oleg Cassini and NASCAR... 64-65 Americans wagons, sedans (one Gasser) and one Hardtop... 63 Classic.. Hornet... and some rare ones like Eagles, Concord and Sundancer... just because they are rare here in  Finland.

Back to the business.... Today was a busy day.

That bracket is second try. First did n ot fit propely...

Had to do some space for weldings. And then started to put all together. My son needs that car lifter for his purposes, so I have to get this on its wheels...

Welding outside too.

...and later got it all finished...

After that something else... Hornet I guess.
American 440 Hardtop, American 220 2d (x2), American 330 4 d, American 330 Cross Country(x2), American F/EX Gasser, AMC Eagle STW (x4), AMC Matador Coupe Oleg Cassini(2x), Hornet 2d (x3), Willys Jeepster 1950, Jeep Cherokee 2d, Rogue 1966-SCRambler Replica  eagle   american   american HT



Sill needed front piece. Copied it from the other side... Almost original...


And then the rest...

Fender fits. No screws thou.

Rear part of sill started by cutting bad parts.

The first piece... Going to fabricate this using two pieces... not so original...

That second part welded.

And then third...

So it is done..

Made new patch for rear floor...


Grinded and cleaned all and painted the floor in black.

All my Eagles and Hornets have rust in these seams. So i had to clean those... nothing bad rust here.

I used some rust seal to keep it sound.

I had two sets of stainless steel sill mouldings...
Both of them were in bad shape...

This is from a Hornet... it is the best one..

I used wooden dolly and english wheel to streighten them.

I found a finnish guy who sells correct fasteners.

Little TLC needed after first attempt.. but not very bad anymore.

Body sealer and paint time..

Rust protection added...

Next rust area was near battery,,,

Did some cutting and rust removal.

Used cuct tape and packing tape to make a pattern...

Made it out of steel.

Fits well.

Welded and cleaned.

Black paint time...

Then fasteners...

...and finished moldings.

Next the roof...
American 440 Hardtop, American 220 2d (x2), American 330 4 d, American 330 Cross Country(x2), American F/EX Gasser, AMC Eagle STW (x4), AMC Matador Coupe Oleg Cassini(2x), Hornet 2d (x3), Willys Jeepster 1950, Jeep Cherokee 2d, Rogue 1966-SCRambler Replica  eagle   american   american HT


I love watching the progression on this car, thank you so much for sharing!

Current Project: 1983 Eagle Wagon 258
Past AMC Project(s):  1979 Spirit Liftback 232
                                1968 Ambassador 287


Next step was that roof panel.

It was not the brand new piece... not at all...

Some cutting done. Little better.. four door had different shape than two door has...

Some cutting and cleaning done...

I´ve done some rust removal over a year ago. I used citric acid, but there is some rust left...

Next thing was to use phosporic acid gel to remove those

I bought a new nibbler and removed that old sheet metal.

Rust removal continues...

A few days later...

Some testing... sheet metal and moldings.

Fits quite well, not finished yet.

New quarter panel needs some holes for fasteners.

I ordered some metal body panel adhesive.

Now it is completed... 15 mm over lapping... 5/8 inches...

Needs some epoxy.

Drilled 3 mm holes for rivets.

Epoxy time...

And then... it is glued with countersunk blind rivets.

A few days later...

Did some grinding and started to  finish this all...

To be continued...
American 440 Hardtop, American 220 2d (x2), American 330 4 d, American 330 Cross Country(x2), American F/EX Gasser, AMC Eagle STW (x4), AMC Matador Coupe Oleg Cassini(2x), Hornet 2d (x3), Willys Jeepster 1950, Jeep Cherokee 2d, Rogue 1966-SCRambler Replica  eagle   american   american HT


Fantastic work!  How many hours do you figure you have into this vehicle?
1981 Kammback 258 - "Pepe"
1980 Coupe 258 - "Ginger
1972 Gremlin X 304
1978 Gremlin 4 cyl 121 - sold
1964 TBird 390 - sold

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