AMC Eagle Den Forum

General => Good Vibrations => Topic started by: Prafeston on September 08, 2011, 05:34:16 PM

Title: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: Prafeston on September 08, 2011, 05:34:16 PM
Just thought I'd give a shout out to Mavericke. He's been more than helpful with my search for an Eagle. It's people like him that make this such a great community. Not to mention he's made it his mission to save as many Eagles as he can at his Sanctuary! :) Good luck with all your future projects Mavericke.
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: mudkicker715 on September 08, 2011, 06:29:46 PM
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: Mavericke on September 09, 2011, 02:44:30 PM
Thanks guys, I wish I could do more and please everyone that came through here or dealt with me. It's hard work and it means alot when someone shows appreciation for what you do. Thanks again!
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: Prafeston on September 13, 2011, 02:12:18 PM
For real, you are the man Mav. Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: Mavericke on September 15, 2011, 12:02:15 PM
No no no... YOU are da man!
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: rollguy on September 15, 2011, 09:22:08 PM
he's made it his mission to save as many Eagles as he can at his Sanctuary! :) Good luck with all your future projects Mavericke.
Same here!
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: jim on September 15, 2011, 09:52:05 PM
Let me add my thanks to Mavericke for hosting a fine meet.   As usual I received more help than I gave, but I did hold the flashlight so others could do the work!
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: shanebo on September 16, 2011, 03:44:36 AM light no work.  :rotfl:
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: Mavericke on September 21, 2011, 03:32:51 PM
Shanebo's right, lol!

Rich, thanks for YOUR help out here! Send us some pictures when you get that valve cover installed!

Jim, I'm just glad you finally got your doors. It's too bad that they don't match up a little better but once she's painted - she's going to look amazing! Sorry we didn't get that carb problem sorted out but I think everyone had the same idea about you just getting a new one. I think you'll be real happy with it. Sorry too that I didn't have a hatch cover for you. I still swear I have a blue one laying around here somewhere... when I find it - it's yours.

You guys would be suprised at how much we've got done since you left. The Jeep and the truck parts are now out of the barn. The engines are better organized and I got a couple hauled off as well. I've got all the spare parts that were out by the cars (from the ones we stripped down), all under the awning now. A little more work in the barn and it'll be ready for all the tools. Then, we're dragging Pat's car inside to start ripping her apart! :P
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: Prafeston on September 21, 2011, 03:49:18 PM
Sounds like you are really making some progress Mav. On a side note, I'm looking into that $800 Eagle I showed you some pics of that looked like your lifted '85. Having a friend check it out this weekend. If it's worth it I might through out an offer so I can have a beater Eagle for the winter months.
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: rohnk on September 21, 2011, 05:26:32 PM
Two Eagle in about 2 months! Dude, you've been bit by the obsession bug!  :rotfl:
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: Prafeston on September 21, 2011, 05:39:36 PM
Two Eagle in about 2 months! Dude, you've been bit by the obsession bug!  :rotfl:

I was bit hard a long time just recently really started to itch!  :rotfl:

If I could pick this other one up for like 600 that would be great. It sounds like it's drivable now...we'll see what my friend has to say about.
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: rollguy on September 21, 2011, 09:04:06 PM

You guys would be suprised at how much we've got done since you left. The Jeep and the truck parts are now out of the barn. The engines are better organized and I got a couple hauled off as well. I've got all the spare parts that were out by the cars (from the ones we stripped down), all under the awning now. A little more work in the barn and it'll be ready for all the tools. Then, we're dragging Pat's car inside to start ripping her apart! :P
Are you forgoing the concrete in the barn before doing Pat's car?  Maybe just a layer of gravel would tide you over until the concrete is poured.   That would keep the dust down, and even work for a decent (cheap) floor for painting the car.   
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: Prafeston on September 21, 2011, 10:32:43 PM
I was thinking that same thing rollguy. I thought he was gonna put some concrete down. You could even buy some cheap sheets of linoleum or something. I don't know, I understand if concrete is expensive.
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: rohnk on September 22, 2011, 09:27:09 AM
This is a good time to bring this up, at Tractor Supply Company (TSC) they have rubber mats for horse stalls that at 4x6 feet and of very good quality. This is eggscellent garage floor material as it is soft and cleans off easily with just a hose and some soap. They run about $35 each and are heavy but well worth the cost. Four of these under or around a car being worked on would be a great start. Especiialy if you put down some gravel first to keep the dust domw from the sand/dirt on the barn floor.

I'll order one and have it shipped to you Mavericke to try out.
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: Prafeston on September 22, 2011, 09:30:43 AM
I'll order one and have it shipped to you Mavericke to try out.

Now that is love! :)
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: rohnk on September 22, 2011, 09:43:40 AM
Just giving the man some props!

Having an Eagle santuary as a place we can go to for parts, knowledge, or help in rebuilding an American classic, is worth the price of admission in my book.  8)
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: Prafeston on September 22, 2011, 01:29:58 PM
Just giving the man some props!

Having an Eagle santuary as a place we can go to for parts, knowledge, or help in rebuilding an American classic, is worth the price of admission in my book.  8)

Well when you put it that way I'd shell out 35 bucks for another mat.
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: Prafeston on September 22, 2011, 01:31:53 PM
Or we could just skip the middle man and give him some cash towards his concrete floor.
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: Mavericke on September 22, 2011, 06:42:22 PM
Hey, if you wanna give me lost of money I do accept cash, credit and even PayPal! :P

But seriously though, you guys don't have to do that. I appreciate the thought but it's going to come down to more than just the cement at this point. There is a decent gravel bed out there now and there is one slab of concrete that we just got cleared off but even with more gravel - you can't safely put a car on a jack or jack stands. I did that kind of stuff in my early days but I've seen some God-awful things on the internet about what can happen when you set vehicles up on the dirt/gravel. I won't lie... it scares me. The other thing too is that with winters so cold here I'm going to need more than just gravel. I need to insulate that steel barn. I've got most of the insualtion and the other materials won't be that expensive but alot of it I can't do until I cement it in. Sure, I could make it work but I'm really wore out from doing jobs over and over because I can't afford to do it "right" the first time. So I just wait these days. I figure if I'm patient - it will all work out in the end. Once the base is made and the cement poured, then I can start putting in the interior walls and sealing that place up. Then I can install some sort of heat source, even if it's electric torpedos or something. When that wind chill hits that building coming off the empty fields of ice/snow and it slams into the side of that metal building and the cold air rushes up from under the walls... omg... you can't get anything done. Maybe some of you can tough it out but I've got the spine of an unhealthy 80 year old man and the cold does NOT make life easy, LOL!

So after all my whining... just going to have to get done what I can while it's still decent out and then finish the rest once the cement is laid or once it warms back up.

Either way, I really need a sealed off room to paint. I mean, we painted my SX4 in a garage and we soaked everything and had virtually no dust and thought everything was perfect but it added alot of problems. I swore then that I wouldn't do this again unless I could do it right - especially if someone is paying for my work - I want it perfect. Last time we were buffing out bugs, dirt and runs for days and you still can't tell we didn any buffing. That was mostly due to poor lighting and poor circulation. So, yeah I'm determined to get this barn cleaned up and cleaned out and get this cement laid even if I have to do it myself.

I was quoted 6k to have the barn and a second slab done on the back of the barn for the paint booth. I think it can be done for about half that if I have a couple friends help and at least one person with actual expertise. For about $10k I think I can have the floor done, walls, entire paint booth, upper floor storage, heating and cooling, drain system and even a bathroom and office. That was what I had planned before I lost my job - it was supposed to have been done this past June. Now it's plan B... and I'm still working on that, LOL! Hard to get loans when you don't have a job. :/ But hey, with ya'lls $70... we're only like $9930 away from that goal. I'm sure I can squeeze about $100 from Mrs. Mav so now we're at like $9830 to go, LOL!
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: Prafeston on September 22, 2011, 07:01:09 PM
You need a Mav's Eagle Sanctuary Fund. If quite a few of the members dumped 10-50 bucks your way it could really add up! :)

I'd be willing to dish out some money just cause I know you'll pay it back ten fold to this community.
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: rollguy on September 22, 2011, 09:08:12 PM
I for one (and Pat) would like to see some work done on his car.   That is why I suggested the gravel on the barn floor.  It would be fairly cheap to put gravel down, put up some plastic, and basically make a cheap spray booth. The gravel can be watered to keep the dust down. It would not even matter if you wet sanded on the gravel either.   If the car was painted before the bad weather starts, the interior work could be done in your garage.   I am just throwing out suggestions here, not making any demands.  If I was still there (or closer), I would be there helping!....Rich
Title: Re: Thanks to Mavericke
Post by: Mavericke on September 24, 2011, 02:24:48 AM
You need a Mav's Eagle Sanctuary Fund. If quite a few of the members dumped 10-50 bucks your way it could really add up! :)

I'd be willing to dish out some money just cause I know you'll pay it back ten fold to this community.

LOL, it's a nice thought man but not needed. I'll make it work out here. I'd rather see those donations go to the actual Nest that made all of this possible. The Nest was around long before I even had the idea for the Sanctuary... and there are many other unregistered Sanctuary's out there that don't hog all the spotlight like me, lol! And many others that save them and park them and even though they don't do much with them.... they have collections that blow mine away. Now that I'm getting these stripped down and getting parts organized, the collection is dwindling pretty fast. What's left though is staying. Everything out here expect for one will all be put back on the road as soon as this ship is up and going.

I for one (and Pat) would like to see some work done on his car.   That is why I suggested the gravel on the barn floor.  It would be fairly cheap to put gravel down, put up some plastic, and basically make a cheap spray booth. The gravel can be watered to keep the dust down. It would not even matter if you wet sanded on the gravel either.   If the car was painted before the bad weather starts, the interior work could be done in your garage.   I am just throwing out suggestions here, not making any demands.  If I was still there (or closer), I would be there helping!....Rich

Hey, no one wants it done more than I do. Trust me. It's stressful just thinking about it sitting out there and the longer it sits - the more work I have to when the time comes. I don't like have unfinished projects sitting around, especially others' which is why I've made my brother come up from Texas to get all of his stuff out of here. That... and I needed the space in the barn anyways. That's also why I've gotten rid of some of my own stuff as well. I appreciate the suggestions but I really want to do this the right way. And I mean no disrespect to you or anyone else at all... but he paid for a nice paint job and I've done them in garages by wetting things down and bla bla bla... I mentioned it in my last post. It just doesn't work right unless it's in a sealed booth with proper exhaust. That's all I'm trying to do. I don't want to cut corners to get it done "faster"... I want it to be quality work otherwise, I'd rather issue a refund and an apology. Again, no disrespect at all - I know he wants his car. I don't blame him. We both knew it could/would be awhile... though I don't think either of us expected this long - the goal was before the Meet... but we all know how "life" puts the brakes on when she wants to and it's out of our control. The bank HAS to finalize everything in February that's the final month of the contract. Long story, but it is what it is. *sigh* idk.