AMC Eagle Den Forum

The Mighty 258 => The Engine => Topic started by: JayRamb on June 24, 2011, 01:46:57 AM

Title: My engine is retarding timing...after timing chain change
Post by: JayRamb on June 24, 2011, 01:46:57 AM
After installing my timing chain last September, the timing has now retarded. I have a gut feeling that i have a bad timing chain. I had the forums help on what brand of timing chain to use. I'd hate to know that the chain I put in is junk. The timing is retarded from where I did the factory specs last fall. Anyone else have the issue? I can hear the 'click' in the front end of the engine again. This sounds like a lifter. It was idling today, warming up, I walked away from teh car, and it just quit. while it was at fast idle. Any similar issues anyone has had or maybe it isn't the timing chain replacement? Jayson
Title: Re: My engine is retarding timing...after timing chain change
Post by: Sunny on June 24, 2011, 03:04:45 AM
Did it happen right away? or it's just started going out?
Did you have any 'slack' in the chain when you put it on?
Title: Re: My engine is retarding timing...after timing chain change
Post by: JayRamb on June 24, 2011, 11:45:17 AM
NO, the timing gear is all steel. There was NO slack in it. I had my mechanic do the install w/me. I only put 100 miles on the car since the install. The ticking is not bad, but sounds like a lifter and doesn't seem to come from the front. I am adjusting the timing to fact. specs and see how it reacts over a weeks run.