Eagle Gallery > Eagle Road Trips

Yellowstone and Grand Tetons 2014

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I went to Yellowstone yesterday and the Grand Tetons today. Here's a link to a Google album. let me know if it works or not. First time trying it. https://plus.google.com/photos/116812063066750829106/albums/6071687386330659169
I'm going back tomorrow and hungry as heck right now. I'll post details in the next couple of days.
Here's a few pics.

Album link works!  Both of those parks are really cool, thanks for the pics!

I added some more pics from today to the album.

The "Grand Canyon" of Yellowstone.  Makes me want to go back there.  A coworker of mine was up there about 10 days ago, said he saw all the major animals - buffalo, elk, moose, black and grizzly bear - but didn't see any wolves.

cool pics, thanks for sharing!  8)


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