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Shift kits

Started by 4x4jollyr, February 01, 2025, 09:22:03 AM

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I am thinking about adding a shift kit from rockauto to my 1981 254 auto wagon(100k mi). Anybody installed one and does money/effort justify its use. Transgo description makes them sound cats meow:

Features & Benefits:
The kit includes valve body components and modifications designed to deliver short smooth shifts as well as a better TC clutch apply. There are several innovative components in this kit. For instance, the line-to-converter feed system which helps the unit run cooler and promotes longer TC clutch life. Also included is a TransGo pioneered *manual valve to reduce overnight forward and reverse delayed engagement complaints due to torque converter drain back. Lastly, this kit can be installed with the transmission in the truck.
TCC slip or shudder
Reduces converter drain-back
Soft shifts
Loss of power on launch
Converter hub failure
Pump bushing failure"

89 MJ

 How do you use the car? If it's a cruiser, I don't think it's worth installing because the harder shifts will probably get annoying. If you tow/haul or off road with the car a lot, it will probably help it live longer.
1986 Eagle: 258, Auto, Chrysler 8.25 rear, 3.54 gears
1989 Jeep Comanche: 4.0, AX-15, 8.8 rear, 4.10 gears
1940 Chevy PU: 350, 700R4


My two cents is that they're generally worth it for Chrysler transmissions. Converter drainback is a real issue for many of them and the transgo kit is worth it just to address that. I wouldn't describe the shifts as "harsh" or "hard", more like less spongy/lazy.
The Eagle Store - Owner


Thanks for your replies! It's a cruiser primarily so I'm going to research a bit more. I like the idea of solving the drain back problem. I definitely notice a delay in trans engagement when shifting into forward/reverse at start of the day.
Thanks for the advice!

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