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Hornet/ Concord/ Eagle liftgate hinges

Started by rshellen, February 18, 2024, 01:04:42 PM

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Just picked up a 1975 Hornet Sportabout wagon and yesterday and unfortunately ended up with a broken driver's side hinge on the liftgate.
1. looking for replacement hinges, understand they a hard to come by
2. while searching I ran across am post of someone making replacements from a model, however I didn't see a final post how that worked out -anyone Know if that thread finished.



I thought I had one but when I found it, it's for the right side. Must be someone here who has one for sale.


Actually when the drivers side broke it tweaked the right side, hope to get them off tomorrow and check out the right side, depending on what I find I may need the right side.
I'll let you know . OKay?


Still waiting till find a drivers side, however just lining up the broken side it seems that the right side is pulling the gap closed along the body line of the hatch. What would you want for the right side hinge you have.


Just the shipping charges. Send me your zip code and I'll bundle it up and see what it costs.


E Ronald Shellenberger
3089 Springview Dr.
Chambersburg, Pa. 17202

Let me know

AMC of Houston

I posted this some years back - might be a good time for a repost.
I've found that one of the root issues on hatch breakage is the rubber gaskets shrinking with age.  Then the hinges start scooting around and "rocking" with use until they break (not to mention the hatch alignment getting way off - and sticking out at the bottom about an inch!).  With dry shrunken gaskets, the hinges won't stay in place no matter how tight the bolts.

On my waggie (and a neighbors waggie) I've cut another "shim" gasket from thin rubber sheet to go under the original gasket and "tighten up" the hinge to the body.  Now I have one of the few waggies with a properly-positioned tailgate hatch!   I see repop gaskets on Ebay, but have not tried them (they look like just cut rubber sheet without the original AMC molded raised edges).  If they are the correct thickness and durometer spec; they could work.

George G.
'81 Eagle Sundancer
'85 Eagle Waggie
1960 1902 Rambler Replica
'64 American
'70 AMX (Big Bad Blue), '70 AMX (White)
'77 Gremlin
'78 Pacer Coupe, '78 Pacer Wagon
'79 Pacer Wagon
'73 Jensen Interceptor
'86 Audi 5000 Turbo
'98 Aston Martin DB7
'09 Nissan Titan
'10 Nissan Maxima


There was someone working on some CNC machined hinges but haven't heard anything lately.
  • =AZVTJYdbdv1cNfpqubhy6xQPPUN7_KtDbrIhmcI9r1QKIu_rl0hNm1huJ8nQpMJZ4Q64WCB87dms4nH_kb9EwHKp-qSda_umb6izwO7knBga7-qNKkh-r8-qL5erJjA_LAOk35sWJM1B2T6Q3kQMpimDqBQnfInT9yHH0DSxYRIBjcSefoN1QuRubHgPcDbkgk0&__tn__=*bH-R
72 Javelin AMX
72 Javelin SST
72 Gremlin with 4.0
81 SX 4

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