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Eagle TSM in PDF

Started by MIPS, January 31, 2023, 12:58:03 PM

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I'm aware we have some of the TSM in the Eaglepedia but its incomplete. Some chapters are missing like Exhaust and Body and the sections for the manual and automatic transmissions appear to be completely omitted.
My 1982 TSM is starting to get a bit ratty and I have considered getting it entirely scanned as it appears that replacement copies are not available in print or digital form.
There is a company a few hours West of me called Scanhouse that will take it, scan it, index it, make it searchable and return it as a PDF but for over 1000 pages, some fold-out's and color images in the diagrams on top of it being quite fragile at this point I would be looking at several hundred dollars. I don't entirely mind doing it but the process unless I pay more will be destructive and the original TSM will be completely unbound.
Before I continue with a formal quotation should I be aware of anyone else that has already done this?


Just a suggestion - have the company only scan the parts that are not already in Eaglopedia ?? That could save $. But I realize the current system is not searchable really. Would the admin here be willing to add the other sections if you had them scanned?


I'd be willing to just distribute it as a single PDF so that you can drop it onto a phone, laptop, tablet or E-reader. You break it into pieces and it becomes as useful as digital copies as Sams Photofacts. If the forum wishes to break it up from that it can be requested I receive a PDF and a directory of each individual scanned page.
Speaking of Sams, I'm still merely making this idea a proposal because I'm still trying to find out if there's now a third party who owns the publication rights to the TSM. There's a few bad actors out there not just in the automotive field who bought the rights to older print sets (EG: Heathkit's manuals) and use them to print money. They likewise get very unhappy when they find someone distributing copies without paying them.


1981 Kammback 258 - "Pepe"
1980 Coupe 258 - "Ginger
1972 Gremlin X 304
1978 Gremlin 4 cyl 121 - sold
1964 TBird 390 - sold


Well that quickly answers that. Some research confirms that Bishco pays Chrysler for the rights to reproduce and distribute AMC's TSM's. Their warehouse is a shed in Piqua, OH.
I can still continue working on this but there's a considerably less-than-zero risk they'll send me an angry letter to stop because I'm cutting into the three or five people a year they probably have purchasing the TSM for the 1982 model year.


I agree with your assessment of the risk lol.  I've bought some of these CD's before, maybe not for the Eagles and maybe not from this guy, but they are really handy.  Can pull them up on your phone and the quality is really good.
1981 Kammback 258 - "Pepe"
1980 Coupe 258 - "Ginger
1972 Gremlin X 304
1978 Gremlin 4 cyl 121 - sold
1964 TBird 390 - sold


I've never bought digital copies of service manuals because so far I've been pretty good for finding freely available or print copies. My only comparison so far has been Sams Photofacts where you are paying for what looks to be often 100dpi scans. Very poor and heavily compressed to the point it can be hard to read component values. I can only assume digital copies of the TSM's are considerably higher quality.


I have digital copies of the TSM in two formats. I got them many years ago from the Eaglesnest store when Doug was running things. I can send them to anyone who wants to use them to fill out the missing parts in the Eaglepedia.

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