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Re: Jeep Family Tree

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Here is the Jeep Family Tree I did up.  It seems some models might be missing.  When done I will host it as pdf file to compliment our AMC Eagle Family Tree --- since they are related.

Pasted below is some of the other replies related to this topic:

--- Quote ---Very cool.  Nice job.  Now we just have to check to see if we are missing anything.  Should we include the Jeep side of things?
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--- Quote ---from 83 Eagle:  Should I go ahead and try to trace the Jeep models?  If I have time??
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--- Quote ---from route 66 rambler:    I would say go ahead and do it.  If it doesn't get used by myself or Iowa Eagle, then maybe a Jeep site would be able to, or if you want to start a Jeep place, I was planning on offering some of my available sub-domains as free pages to members here and elsewhere for AMC-related sites.
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--- Quote ---form IowaEagle:  That would be great.  There are a lot of Jeep models to research and I am wondering for a family tree for them if you don't need to do back to the Bantam days or even way back to the Quad 4 days.
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--- Quote ---from route 66 rambler:    I think the Bantam would do it, as that's where the original GP platform originated.  It's sort of like your own "Hornet or American?"  question.  The Jeep deal wouldn't be quite as complicated as AMC or Rambler.  For the most part, it's  like GP, split from there into Wag/pickup/Jeepster and CJ/M38,  then it's all fairly straight line compared to car companies, with a few trunks off for the forward control cab, the larger trucks like the M37, etc.  Was the Might Mite a Jeep or AMC?  I think that was prior to the takeover  salvation of Jeep in 1970. /;]
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--- Quote ---from IowaEagle:  Its a good starting point -- although I think AMC carried over the basic line after purchase.  Refinement came later, although, I think, AMC power came almost immediately for several models.
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I have not gotten them all over here yet, but I will.  Have to go mow lawn and other silly things.

Did I send you the one with the descriptions as well?  It has a few sentences about each vehicle on the Jeep tree. 

No, just the one with pictures, model names and some arrows and lines.

If you, or anyone is interested in seeing the one with the descriptions.  I can email it.  Just let me know.  Thanks.  I am glad that it will work for a quick history lesson.

Route 66 Rambler:
 Sorry, I don't have a lot of time at the moment, family, Molly, Ramblers, and website are pulling different directions.  What I did, since I was already on my site at the time I read the post above, was open it in OpenOffice and save it as an HTML real quick-like.  It's now on the new "timeline" subdomain of, at least for a while.  It still needs a little cleanup to display properly, but the main effect is still there.  Here is where I have it as a Web page:

  I should have a little time on Sunday or Monday to edit it into clickable thumbnails to the larger pictures... right now, because of the file sizes of the pics, it takes a little while to load, but I'll see what I can do with it after Saturday is over.  Great job, Brandon.


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