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Random Chance Eagle

Started by Haefen, October 25, 2022, 08:38:10 PM

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Most interesting thing today, was driving home from the grocery store and saw some bright orange old box of a car a few cars ahead, kept trying to get a glance to figure out what exactly it was. Well got closer and closer and saw it was another AMC Eagle Sedan like mine, but rattle can bright orange! So I switch lanes, downshift and zip up behind them as fast as a 258 can and beep the horn a few times, lowering the window so I can give a friendly wave towards them so they don't think I'm nuts. I see them lean forward to check the mirror, probably have the same mirror issue I'm having. They roll down their window and just wave on back. They switch lanes, I pull up next to them and roll down the other window and we yell back and forth for a good 10-15 seconds, speed limit was only 30 and it ain't like these cars are very loud. Compliment each others Eagle and part ways, they went to Walmart and I went home!

So if you own a spray painted bright orange Eagle but you aren't listed as living in Laramie, howdy! And if they aren't part of this forum, if I see them again I'm going to let them know this place exists.

Still Pat

'83 AMC Eagle wagon 258/auto.
'84 AMC Eagle sedan (4 door) 258/auto.
'72 Gremlin X 304/3 speed
'81 Eagle Kammback 258/4 speed (Purchased new)
'82 Eagle wagon 258/5 speed (Ordered new, traded Kammback)
'86 (I THINK) Eagle wagon - BlackBird 258/auto. (Got hit/totaled)
'83 Eagle wagon - White Eagle 258-auto. (Front subframe was rotted out - sold for parts)


There used to be a four-door one that was like that here in Pueblo. I wonder if it's the same one.

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