Eagle Gallery > AMC Eagles by State/Province/Country

East Coast Canadian Eagles


I'm interested to know who here is on the East Coast in Canada and owns and Eagle. I know myself and Mernsy, and I suspect a few more here have Eagles.

Come on out of the woodwork!   :occasion14:

Have you checked out the AMC Eagle S.O.A.R. Database? I see one other besides Mernsy and one guy in Maine.


That would be me ;)

No there is another one besides you. I saw your username there. Obscurity is also close to Mernsy.

Yeah there is a girl in St John, New Brunswick that has one. She was discussing rot a while ago (that may be Obscurity). I do know that there are 2 other Eagle owners in Nova Scota, 1 is broken down and needs work (sedan) and the other is sitting about 30 minutes from me with my 1st Eagle.


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