1979 - 1983 AMC Spirits and 1978 - 1983 AMC Concords > Show Us Your AMC Spirit or AMC Concord

My Concords

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I bought some years ago a 4 door Concord as a parts car for my Eagles. (It was 2011...) No papers, no finnish ID...

I used a lot of it to save my second Eagle, that with V8....

And just a few weeks ago happened something you do not want to your enemies... Car crash with your classic AMC...

And now it happened that this crashed Concord landed to my garage...

I have to mention that they never sold any Concords as new here in Finland... Our AMC importer Wihuri sold their last AMC passenger cars mid seventies... So these (among a couple of others) are private import. Red one came to Finland about mid nineties and black Limited 1983... It was a two owner car...

So sad to see that black one all smashed up like that!

Yes, that was a survivor Concord... No rust, low mileage, good condition. And one owner 1981 to 2010.

I have done something to my Conc...

Front of the roof is badly damaged, so I´m going to use a piece of sheet metal from a Hornet.

Removed vinyl roof and left rear side window cover plate...

Would be great to see the black one back on the road!


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