The Mighty 258 > Engine Electrical Systems.

Switched 12V for HEI

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Where do I use to get this?  The I terminal on the starter solenoid only gives around 10-11V and that's what feeds the current coil.


hi, that's the terminal  "I"  that I used, and it worked fine for 20+ years. check your connections.  good luck,  gz

My Davis Unified Ignition coil pretty specifically calls for more voltage than that so I haven't wired anything in yet.  So no connections to check yet.

hi, I meant the existing wiring, corrosion, old age etc. there should be 12V there. Again, that's where I fed my DUI from, no problems. good luck, gz

Ah, disconnecting the ECU was the trick.  With that unplugged we're getting enough voltage.

Unfortunately I'm not getting fire but do have some indications of spark from the timing light.  Hoping it's just my mechanical timing being way way off.  Going to debug it more when it's not threatening rain.


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